Samhain Parlor

  • By invitation only

    In the heart of the ever-changing seasons, where the vibrant hues of summer give way to the warm palette of autumn, lies our circle. As we delve into the heart of Samhain, the sabbat of transformation, we will call open the gates of Summerland. Together, we release old grudges, welcome the ethereal, and offer gratitude to the circles we have forged.

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  • The Friends of Autumn encourage you to be your full self, free from judgment. To create this environment, we prioritize the comfort & safety of all guests.

    If anything on this list is a discomfort for you, please abstain from attending.

    Historic Venues — Our events commonly take place in historic buildings, which, while rich in character, do not always meet modern building codes. Due to tight quarters and staircases, some venues may not be accessible to guests who rely on mobility devices such as wheelchairs.

    Equality — We take great care in shaping a positive and diverse Friends of Autumn community. All events are LGBTQA+ friendly and inclusive of those from different backgrounds.

    Adult Themes — Our events feature live performances exploring mature and complex themes, including elements of the occult and poetic discussions of the afterlife. We ask that you please abstain from attending if you are recently bereaved or prefer not to engage with this type of material.

    Provocative Dress — Provocative attire is woven into the fashion of our events. While not the norm, attendees should be comfortable with partial nudity presented tastefully.

    Respectful Interactions — Consent is paramount while interacting with other guests. Anything less than an enthusiastic “yes” is a hard “no.” Consent can be rescinded at any time. No warnings will be given if you are found to be in violation of this rule.

    Low and Colored Light — Our venues are commonly bathed in dimmed lighting, and some seated experiences may take place in complete darkness. If you anticipate difficulty navigating this type of environment, please contact our stewards for assistance.

    Dietary Warning — Food and beverages are sometimes provided, and meat dishes are commonly included in the culinary offerings. If you have dietary restrictions or preferences, please bear this in mind. Please contact our stewards with any restrictions or allergies, and we will do our best to accommodate.

    Photography and Privacy — To encourage immersive participation, we require guests to limit the usage of personal devices during our experiences. Please respect one another's privacy and ask for explicit consent before sharing photographs.

  • This is not a spiritual gathering — Though our experiences resemble the mystical, they do not align with a religious practice.

    This is not a place for intoxication — Excessive intoxication will not be tolerated.

    This is not a place for sex — While some members may dress provocatively, all romantic actions must take place off-site.

    This is not a haunt — Do not expect strobe lights, gore, jump scares, or scented fog during our events.

    This is not a larp — You are free to act as a heightened version of yourself, but there will be no mechanics in our main experiences. We do offer chances to unlock the Seeker of Mysteries alternate reality game (ARG) for those who enjoy diving deeper into our lore.

  • These guidelines explain how we expect everyone to behave. By registering or purchasing a ticket to our events, you agree that you are 21 years or older and that you will follow the policies outlined below.


    Our events follow a simple rule, "Don’t be a jerk." This means treating everyone with respect.

    Bullying or harassment isn’t allowed. Speak up if you see bad behavior. Our goal is for everyone to enjoy a positive experience.


    1. Behave in a mature manner.

    2. Use common sense.

    3. Treat others with respect.

    4. Follow all laws.


    Hospitality will be strictly enforced.

    Our venues, our neighborhoods, and all who dwell within, must be respected at all times. To safeguard the well-being of guests and neighbors, stewards reserve the right to refuse entry at their discretion, summon law enforcement, and evict attendees without warning.


    If someone breaks the rules, we’ll try to give a warning first, but not always. You can always be refused entry or ejected from an event without a refund. We are under no obligation to disclose the reason for removal.

    Some reasons for immediate removal

    • Breaking laws.

    • Ignoring staff instructions.

    • Destructive or unsafe behavior.

    • Offensive comments or actions directed towards another.

    • Intimidation or stalking.

    • Unwanted physical contact or attention.

    • Intoxication.

    • Disrupting the event.

    • Being under 21 years old.

    Report any incidents you witness to our staff. We’ll keep reports confidential if possible, but may need to involve authorities.


    Media may be captured by our staff recorder. Due to the intimate nature of our events, guests are not permitted to take photos or videos without prior consent. By taking part in our events, you grant Seance Media full rights to use the media resulting from any photography / video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the media for fundraising, publicity or other purposes. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in our printed and online publicity, social media, press releases, policies, and funding applications. If you do not wish to be photographed, please inform us.


    We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule our events. Refunds and exchanges are at our discretion. Service charges are non-refundable.


    You cannot resell or transfer your ticket. Please contact us if you are unable to attend. We will do our best to find a new guest to fill your spot if needed.


    By using a debit or credit card, you agree to paying associated taxes and service fees. Payments go through Ticket Tailor, PayPal, Square, or similar processor.

  • We do our best to create a safe environment so guests can explore these once-in-a-lifetime experiences with us, but we rely on you for knowing and expressing your boundaries.


    Clear consent is paramount to interacting with our staff and guests. Only a clear "yes" means “yes.” If you’re not sure if you’ve received consent, assume the answer is "no."


    We believe people know what they need to enjoy an event. Please share your requirements with us, and we'll do our best to ensure you have an unforgettable night in all the right ways.


    Immersive events are intended to create new experiences, push boundaries, and place guests in situations they may not be accustomed to. You may feel strong emotions for days and potentially weeks after the event has finished. This is a natural and inherent risk you agree to take by attending the event. In case you are feeling overwhelmed, a quiet space will be available on site during the event for you to reflect and process your feelings. If you don’t feel this is enough, we encourage you to contact your mental health provider for immediate care.


    You are free to leave our events at any time. However, refunds and exchanges are at our discretion. Service charges are non-refundable.

  • “Tome's events provide a level of luxury and immersion that I expect from the largest and most established companies. From minute one, I felt transported, taken care of, and delighted. What sets Séance Media apart is their attention to detail and personalized attention.”

    Blake Weil
    East Coast Editor, No Proscenium

  • “Tome's experiences are incredible works of art that leave me thinking about them for weeks afterward.”

    Myr Bloom
    Alterra Productions

  • “Tome creates truly immersive events with an attention to detail that is unparalleled. You will not fail to have a good time.”

    Judy Smith
    Friends of Autumn attendee

  • “There was a perfect blend between theatrical environments and conversational atmosphere that made it easy for me to explore what the evening had to offer at my own pace.”

    Jon Kobryn
    Spektra Pulse